Showing posts with label No VISA Trip | Countries of the world that do not require visas for Indians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label No VISA Trip | Countries of the world that do not require visas for Indians. Show all posts

No VISA Trip | Countries of the world that do not require visas for Indians, plan this summer holidays

                                            No VISA Trip

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the ensuing countries don't bear visas for Indian passport holders for shortterm stays

No VISA Trip | Countries of the world that do not require visas for Indians, plan this summer holidays

  1. Maldives - Visa-free for up to 90 days
  2. Bhutan - Visa-free for up to 14 days
  3. Nepal - Visa-free for up to 90 days
  4. Mauritius - Visa-free for up to 90 days
  5. Seychelles - Visa-free for up to 90 days
  6. Jamaica - Visa-free for up to 90 days
  7. Dominica - Visa-free for up to 180 days
  8. Grenada - Visa-free for up to 90 days
  9. Saint Kitts and Nevis - Visa-free for up to 90 days
  10. Vanuatu - Visa-free for up to 30 days


Bhutan, officially known as the Kingdom of Bhutan, is a small landlocked country located in the eastern Himalayas of South Asia. It shares borders with China to the north and India to the south, east, and west. Thimphu is the capital and largest megacity of Bhutan.

Bhutan is known for its unique culture and tradition, and for its commitment to Gross National Happiness, which is a gospel that seeks to balance profitable development with spiritual and social wellbeing. Bhutan is also known for its beautiful natural geographiesincluding towering mountainslush timbers, and pristine gutters.

The population of Bhutan is estimated to be around 770,000 people, and the sanctioned language is Dzongkha. The currency used in Bhutan is the Bhutanese ngultrum.

Tourism is an important assiduity in Bhutan, and the country has a policy of highvaluelowimpact tourism. Callers to Bhutan must bespeak their trip through a certified Bhutanese stint driver and pay a minimal diurnal figure that covers accommodationrefectionstransportation, and a certified companion.

Some of the popular sightseer lodestones in Bhutan include

Paro Valley:

 This beautiful vale is home to the country's only transnational field and is also known for its notorious Tiger's Nest Monastery.

Punakha Dzong:

 This major fortfriary is located at the convergence of two gutters and is one of the most emotional dzongs( citadels) in Bhutan.

Buddha Dordenma Statue:

This 169- bottom-altitudinous statue of Buddha is located in Thimphu and is one of the largest statues of Buddha in the world.

Gangtey Valley:

 This beautiful vale is home to the Black- necked Crane Information Centre and is a popular destination for raspberrywatching.

Jigme Dorji National Park:

This public demesne is home to a wide variety of wildlife, including barracuda , snow leopards, and Himalayan black bears.

Bhutan is also notorious for its carnivals, or tshechus, which are held throughout the time in colorful corridor of the country. These carnivals are various and vibrant fests of Bhutanese culture and tradition and are a must- see for callers to thecountry.


Dominica, officially known as the Commonwealth of Dominica, is a small islet nation located in the Caribbean Sea. It's located between Guadeloupe to the north and Martinique to the south. Roseau is the capital and largest megacity of Dominica.

Dominica is known for its rugged natural beauty, with lush rainforests, stormy peaks, and hot springs. It's also known for its vibrant culture and friendly people. The population of Dominica is estimated to be around 72,000 people, and the sanctioned language is English. The currency used in Dominica is the Eastern Caribbean bone .

Tourism is an important assiduity in Dominica, and the country offers a wide range of conditioning for callers to enjoy. Some of the popular sightseer lodestones in Dominica include

Morne Trois Pitons National Park:

 This public demesne is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is home to the Boiling Lake, the alternate- largest boiling lake in the world.

Trafalgar Falls :

These binary falls are located in the rainforest and are a popular destination for hiking and swimming.

Champagne Reef:

 This aquatic hot spring is a popular spot for snorkeling and diving.

Emerald Pool :

This natural pool is located in the rainforest and is a popular destination for swimming and hiking.

Fort Shirley:

This major stronghold is located in Cabrits National Park and offers stunning views of the girding area.

In addition to its natural lodestones , Dominica is also known for its vibrant music and cotillion scene, with a variety of carnivals and fests held throughout the time. Some of the most popular carnivals include Carnival, Creole Festival, and the World Creole Music Festival.

Overall, Dominica is a beautiful and welcoming country with plenitude to offer callers who are looking for an authentic Caribbeanexperience.


Ecuador is a country located in South America, framed by Colombia to the north, Peru to the east and south, and the Pacific Ocean to the west. Quito is the capital and alternate- largest megacity of Ecuador.

Ecuador is known for its stunning natural beauty, with the Andes mountains running through the country, the Amazon rainforest to the east, and the Galapagos islets located in the Pacific Ocean. Ecuador is also known for its rich history and culture, with numerous indigenous groups still living in the country moment. The population of Ecuador is estimated to be around 17 million people, and the sanctioned language is Spanish. The currency used in Ecuador is the US bone .

Tourism is an important assiduity in Ecuador, with callers coming to see the country's natural prodigies and artistic lodestones . Some of the popular sightseer lodestones in Ecuador include

Galapagos islets :

This archipelago of islets located 600 long hauls off the seacoast of Ecuador is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is known for its unique wildlife, including giant tortoises and marine iguanas.

Cotopaxi National Park :

This public demesne is home to the Cotopaxi powder keg, one of the loftiest active tinderboxes in the world, and offers hiking, climbing, and boarding openings.

Amazon Rainforest :

The Ecuadorian Amazon is home to numerous indigenous communities and offers openings for jungle hikes, canoeing, and wildlife viewing.

Quilotoa Crater Lake:

 This stunning lake is located in the Andes and is a popular destination for hiking and photography.

Ingapirca This Inca ruin is the largest in Ecuador and is located near the megacity of Cuenca.

In addition to its natural lodestones , Ecuador is also known for its vibrant culture, with numerous traditional carnivals and fests held throughout the time. Some of the most popular carnivals include Carnival, the Day of the Dead, and the Inti Raymi( Sun Festival).

Overall, Ecuador is a beautiful and different country with plenitude to offer callers who are looking for an authentic South Americanexperience

El Salvador:

El Salvador is a small Central American countryframed by Guatemala to the northwest, Honduras to the northeast, and the Pacific Ocean to the south. San Salvador is the capital and largest megacity of El Salvador.

El Salvador is known for its rich history and artistic heritage, with Mayan remainssocial armature, and a vibrant trades scene. The population of El Salvador is estimated to be around6.5 million people, and the sanctioned language is Spanish. The currency used in El Salvador is the US bone .

Tourism is a growing assiduity in El Salvador, with callers coming to see the country's natural beauty and artistic lodestones . Some of the popular sightseer lodestones in El Salvador include

Ruta de las Flores:

 This scenic route is known for its various municipalities, coffee colonies, and artisan shops.

Joya de Cerén:

 This UNESCO World Heritage Site is a savedpre-Columbian vill that was buried by a stormy eruption in the 6th century.

El Imposible National Park:

 This public demesne is located in the southwestern part of the country and is home to a different range of foliage and fauna, including jaguars and boner monkeys.

Santa Ana Volcano:

 This active powder keg is the loftiest peak in El Salvador and offers hiking openings and stunning views of the girding area.

San Salvador Cathedral:

 This edifice is located in the heart of San Salvador and is known for its emotional armature and literal significance.

In addition to its natural and artistic lodestones , El Salvador is also known for its vibrant trades scene, with numerous galleriesgalleries, and artistic centers located throughout the country. Some of the most popular carnivals and fests include the Day of the Dead, Holy Week, and the Independence Day.

Overall, El Salvador is a fascinating country with plenitude to offer callers who are looking for an authentic Central American experiencestilltrippers should be apprehensive of safety enterprises in some corridor of the countryparticularly related to gang violence and crime.


Fiji is an archipelago of  further than 300  islets located in the South Pacific Ocean,  roughly 1,100  long hauls northeast of New Zealand. Suva is the capital and largest  megacity of Fiji.

   Fiji is known for its stunning natural beauty, including white  flaxen  strands, demitasse-clear waters, and lush rainforests. The population of Fiji is estimated to be around 900,000 people, and the  sanctioned languages are English, Fijian, and Hindi. The currency used in Fiji is the Fijian bone.

   Tourism is an important assiduity in Fiji, with callers coming to enjoy the country's natural  lodestones  and artistic  gests .

 Some of the popular  sightseer  lodestones  in Fiji include   Coral Coast This stretch of bank on the southern side of the main  islet is known for its beautiful  strands and coral reefs, making it a popular spot for snorkeling and scuba diving.

   Mamanuca islets:

 This group of  islets off the western seacoast of Fiji is known for its idyllic  strands, clear waters, and coral reefs, as well as its luxury resorts and  gyms.

   Sigatoka Sand Stacks National Park:

 This  public demesne is located on the southern seacoast of the main  islet and is home to a unique ecosystem of beach stacks and  washes, as well as important archaeological  spots. 

  Sabeto Hot Springs and Mud Pool:

 This natural hot spring and  slush pool complex is located in the western part of the main  islet and is a popular spot for relaxation and  revivification.

   Navala Village:

 This traditional Fijian  vill is located in the innards of the main  islet and is known for its unique armature and artistic practices. 

  In addition to its natural and artistic  lodestones , Fiji is also known for its vibrant cookery, which blends influences from Indian, Chinese, and Pacific Islander  societies. Some of the most popular dishes include kokoda( raw fish marinated in bomb or lime juice and coconut milk) and lovo( meat, fish, and vegetables cooked in an underground roaster). 

  Overall, Fiji is a beautiful and unique country with  plenitude to offer callers who are looking for a tropical paradise. still,  trippers
             should be  apprehensive of cyclone season( November to April) and take  preventives to avoid waterborne  ails. 


Grenada is a small islet nation located in the Caribbean Sea, southeast of the United States and north of Venezuela.St. George's is the capital and largest megacity of Grenada.

Grenada is known for its natural beauty, with white flaxen strands, turquoise waters, and lush rainforests. The population of Grenada is estimated to be around 112,000 people, and the sanctioned language is English. The currency used in Grenada is the Eastern Caribbean bone .

Tourism is an important assiduity in Grenada, with callers coming to enjoy the country's natural lodestones and artistic gests . Some of the popular sightseer lodestones in Grenada include

Grand Anse Beach:

 This popular sand is known for its white beach and demitasse-clear waters, making it a great spot for swimming, snorkeling, and sunbathing.

Fort George :

This major stronghold is located inSt. George's and offers stunning views of the harbor and girding area.

Seven Sisters Waterfall :

This series of slinging falls is located in the rainforest on the western side of the islet and is a popular spot for hiking and swimming.

Belmont Estate :

This major colony offers tenures of the working cocoa ranch and distillery, as well as openings to sample the estate's products.

Carriacou Island:

 This lower islet off the seacoast of Grenada is known for its idyllic strands, coral reefs, and laid- back atmosphere.

In addition to its natural and artistic lodestones , Grenada is also known for its unique cookery, which blends influences from African, Caribbean, and European societies. Some of the most popular dishes include oil painting down( a stew made with breadfruit, meat, and spices) and callaloo( a haze made with lush flora and coconut milk).

Overall, Grenada is a beautiful and friendly country with plenitude to offer callers who are looking for a Caribbean flightstilltrippers should be apprehensive of hurricane season( June to November) and take preventives to avoid mosquito- borne ails similar as Zika and denguefever.


Haiti is a country located on the western side of the islet of Hispaniola in the Caribbean Sea, participating the islet with the Dominican Republic. Port- au- Prince is the capital and largest megacity of Haiti.

Haiti has a rich and complex history, with influences from African, French, and indigenous societies. The population of Haiti is estimated to be around 11 million people, and the sanctioned languages are Haitian Creole and French. The currency used in Haiti is the Haitian gourde.

Tourism is a growing assiduity in Haiti, with callers coming to explore the country's artistic heritage and natural lodestones . Some of the popular sightseer lodestones in Haiti include

Citadelle Laferriere:

 This major fort is located in the mountains of northern Haiti and was erected in the early 19th century to cover against French irruption. It's now a UNESCO World Heritage point.


 This private sand resort on the northern seacoast of Haiti offers a range of water sportssand conditioning, and artistic gests .

National Museum of Haiti This gallery in Port- au- Prince features a collection of Haitian artliteral vestiges, and artistic shows.

Bassin Bleu:

 This series of falls and natural pools is located in the mountains of southern Haiti and is a popular spot for hiking and swimming.


 This littoral city in southeastern Haiti is known for its vibrant art scenevarious armature, and lively road carnivals.

In addition to its artistic and natural lodestones , Haiti is also known for its unique cookery, which blends influences from African, French, and Caribbean societies. Some of the most popular dishes include griot( fried pork) and tassot( fried beef or scapegoat).

Haiti has faced a number of challenges in recent timesincluding political insecuritynatural disasters, and povertystill, the country is making strides in rebuilding and perfecting its structure and frugality, and numerous callers find the culturehistory, and natural beauty of Haiti to be worth exploringCallers should be apprehensive of safety enterprises and take preventives to avoid health pitfalls similar as cholera and mosquito- borneillnesses.


Indonesia is a country located in Southeast Asia, with Jakarta as its capital and largest megacity. It's the world's largest islet countrymade up of over 17,000 islets, and is the fourth most vibrant country in the world, with a population of over 270 million people. The sanctioned language is Indonesian, and the currency used is the Indonesian rupiah.

Indonesia is a different and multilateral country, with over 300 ethnical groups and multitudinous languages and cants spoken throughout the country. The country's culture is heavily told by its history as a trading mecca, with strong influences from India, China, and Europe.

Tourism is a major assiduity in Indonesia, with callers coming to explore the country's natural beautyartistic heritage, and out-of-door conditioning. Some of the popular sightseer lodestones in Indonesia include

Bali This islet is known for its beautiful strands, rice sundecks, and Hindu tabernacles.

Borobudur This ancient Buddhist tabernacle in central Java is the world's largest Buddhist tabernacle and a UNESCO World Heritage point.

Komodo Island:

 This islet is home to the world's largest lizard, the Komodo dragon, and is a popular spot for hiking and diving.

Lake Toba:

 This stormy lake on the islet of Sumatra is the largest lake in Southeast Asia and a popular destination for hiking and relaxation.

Mount Bromo:

 This active powder keg in East Java is a popular spot for hiking and offers stunning views of the girding geography.

In addition to its natural and artistic lodestones , Indonesia is also known for its unique cookery, which blends influences from Chinese, Indian, and Dutch societies. Some of the most popular dishes include nasi goreng( fried rice), satay( grilled meat skewers), and rendang( racy beef curry).

Indonesia is a developing country that faces colorful challengesincluding profitable inequality, political insecurity, and environmental issuesCallers should be apprehensive of safety enterprises and take preventives when traveling to certain areassimilar as Papua and Sulawesi. alsocallers should be apprehensive of health pitfalls similar as malaria and dengue fever and take applicable preventives to avoid theseillnesses.


Jamaica is an islet country located in the Caribbean Sea, south of Cuba and west of Haiti. The capital and largest megacity is Kingston. The sanctioned language is English, and the currency used is the Jamaican bone .

Jamaica is known for its beautiful strands, reggae music, and rich culture. Tourism is a major assiduity in Jamaica, with callers coming to enjoy the warm rainfall, beautiful decor , and unique artistic gests . Some of the popular sightseer lodestones in Jamaica include

Dunn's River Falls:

 This natural cascade is located near Ocho Rios and is a popular spot for hiking, swimming, and sightseeing.

Bob Marley Museum:

 This gallery in Kingston is devoted to the life and music of the fabulous reggae musician Bob Marley.

Blue Mountains:

 This mountain range is located in eastern Jamaica and offers hiking trails, coffee colonies, and stunning views of the girding geography.

Negril Beach:

 This long stretch of white beach sand on the western seacoast of Jamaica is a popular spot for swimming, sunbathing, and water sports.

Port Royal :

This major city was formerly a notorious corsair haven and is now a UNESCO World Heritage point.

In addition to its natural and artistic lodestones , Jamaica is known for its unique cookery, which blends influences from African, Indian, and European societies. Some of the most popular dishes include haul funk, ackee and saltfish, and curry scapegoat.

Jamaica has a different and vibrant population, with a strong African influence in its culture and historystill, the country also faces challenges similar as povertycrime, and environmental issuesCallers should be apprehensive of safety enterprises and take preventives to avoid theft and other crimesespecially in civic areasalsocallers should be apprehensive of health pitfalls similar as mosquito- borne ails and take applicable preventives to avoid theseillnesses.

Macau SAR:

Macau SAR, also known as Macao, is a special executive region of the People's Republic of China located on the southern seacoast of China. It's a former Portuguese colony and was returned to China in 1999, and has since come a popular sightseer destination known for its unique mix of Portuguese and Chinese societies. The sanctioned languages are Cantonese and Portuguese, and the currency used is the Macau pataca.

Macau is known for its vibrant escapismluxurious pavilions, and major milestones. Some of the popular sightseer lodestones in Macau include

The remains ofSt. Paul's :

This iconic corner is the remains of a 16th- century church that was destroyed by fire in the 1800s.

Senado Square:

 This major forecourt is the heart of Macau's old city and is girdled by light- multicolored structures and traditional shops.

The Venetian Macao:

 This luxurious summerhouse and resort is one of the largest in the world and features a replica of Venice's Grand Canal.

Macau Tower:

 This altitudinous palace offers stunning views of the megacity and is a popular spot for bungee jumping and other adventure sports.

A-Ma Temple:

 This major tabernacle is devoted to the goddess of the ocean and is a popular spot for deification and sightseeing.

In addition to its artistic and entertainment lodestones , Macau is also known for its unique cookery, which blends Chinese and Portuguese infl
Macau is a densely peopled megacity with a high standard of living and a thriving frugalitystillcallers should be apprehensive of safety enterprises and take preventives to avoid pickpocketing and other crimesalsocallers should be apprehensive of health pitfalls similar as air pollution and take applicable

It's important to note that visa conditions can change at any time, so it's always a good idea to check with the delegacy or consulate of the country you plan to visit beforetraveling.